

Midtown East

Neighborhood Image


In the case of Midtown East, the location is expressed in the name and the name is derived from the location. For those who are still confused, Midtown East is located on the East Side of Manhattan. Its southern border is commonly believed to be 42nd street, northern - 59th street, western - Park Avenue (or Lexington Avenue, or 5th avenue, depending on who you ask). To the north of Midtown East you'll find the Upper East Side and to the south - Murray Hill.

Functionally, Midtown East - especially in the eastern part of the neighborhood - is dominated by the United Nations and the surrounding quasi-diplomatic institutions. Closer to the center of the island, the vibe is strictly business, with glass skyscrapers and 9-5 schedule for almost everything.

The restaurants in Midtown East tend to cater to a dressed-up, Business oriented crowd.